Each patient's Invisalign treatment time is different, but in general, it's significantly shorter than the timeframe of traditional braces.
Straight teeth are everywhere nowadays - on the covers of magazines, in films, even on the news! Having straight teeth isn't just about aesthetics either, they also benefit your mouth's hygiene. So it is hardly surprising that
four million people
across America wear braces to straighten their teeth.
However, it is not just teenagers who wear braces. In fact, each year
over 1.4 million
adults discuss the possibility of getting braces with their dentists. Because of this, there are now more options than ever for straightening your teeth.
One popular option with adult brace wearers is Invisalign. The Invisalign process allows you to straighten your teeth without having to wear traditional braces.
Want to know more? Then you're in the right place! Read on to find out everything you need to know about the Invisalign treatment time and why this could be the best option for you!
How Long Does Invisalign Take?
The Invisalign process works using a series of clear trays that are specifically designed for your mouth. These encourage your teeth to move into a new position over time. To understand this better, let's take a brief look at how Invisalign works.
After your initial consultation,
your dentist will take molds of your teeth. They will then use these to create thin mouth guard-like trays for your mouth.
These trays are similar enough to your mouth for you to wear them comfortably. However, the position of your teeth in them is slightly different. Because of this, when you wear your Invisalign guard it guides your teeth into a new position.
Once you have been wearing one set of trays for a while it will fit your mouth perfectly and you will be ready to move onto your next set. This process continues until your teeth are in their final position.
On average, most people go through their series of Invisalign trays across a year-long period. You will often notice a difference in the position of your teeth after the first two or three months.
Your dentist will usually ask you to keep wearing your braces for a while after your teeth appear to be straight. This is to ensure they stay in their new position.
However, some people have to wear more trays than others or will wear them for longer. There can be several reasons for this.
Can Anything Affect Invisalign Treatment Time?
How long you have to wear Invisalign for depends a lot on your teeth and you as a patient.
Older patients' teeth, for example, move more slowly than younger ones. Because of this, older patients will have to wear their trays for longer.
How much you wear your trays can also affect the average length of Invisalign treatment. You can remove your trays to eat and drink, but keeping them out for long periods of time will slow the process down. Ideally, you should try to wear them for twenty-two hours a day.
If you have major alignment issues with your teeth then you may have to wear your braces for longer. This is because your teeth have to move further. How your alignment issues affect your Invisalign time depends on the type of alignment issue that you have.
Teeth Crowding and Invisalign
Teeth crowding is a common alignment issue that people experience. This limits the space that your teeth have to sit straight in your mouth. To correct it, your Invisalign trays will work on spacing your teeth out more evenly.
The average Invisalign time for this treatment depends on how severe your crowding is.
It is possible to correct mild crowding within around six months. More serious crowding issues can take longer to resolve.
In some cases, your dentist may recommend additional options to help straighten your teeth. Removing teeth at the back of your mouth can free up more space so your teeth have more room to straighten out. Some dentists will recommend wearing headgear at night to support your teeth straightening.
Gapping and Invisalign
Having gaps between your teeth is the opposite of overcrowding in your mouth and is much easier to correct. Your dentist simply needs to close the gaps between your teeth, which can be very quick.
In fact, you can use Invisalign to close a gap in your teeth in as little as eight weeks. Bigger gaps may take longer to close but this won't be anything like twelve months.
The bigger challenge with gapping teeth is preventing the problem from reoccurring. In order to do this, your dentist may fit a small wire behind your teeth once you have stopped wearing Invisalign. This won't be visible from the front and will prevent your teeth from shifting out of place.
Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces: Which is Quicker?
If you are wondering 'how long do you wear Invisalign for' then you shouldn't think about this in isolation. In comparison with traditional braces, Invisalign is much quicker!
In fact, Invisalign takes about half the amount of time to work as traditional braces do. They also come with fewer issues that could further slow the process down.
With traditional braces, for example, snapping a wire or damaging a bracket means the braces won't work until you get them fixed. With an Invisalign tray, there is no chance of this happening. They are designed for daily use so they are extremely durable and come with a case for safe storage.
Speak to Your Dentist Today!
As you can see, the Invisalign treatment time is much quicker than traditional braces. This process will ensure you get the straight teeth of your dreams without wearing cumbersome train tracks on your teeth.
To find out more about the benefits of Invisalign or to book a consultation,
get in touch with us today!